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ERC721 Token API


The WRLD Payments API offers convenience functions for getting information about a player's NFT collection. These APIs have a variety of use-cases:

  • Offer exclusive perks to players who own an item in a certain collection.
  • Grant players one-of-a-kind items based on ownership of a specific item ID.
  • Fetch metadata about NFTs for item stats, images, etc.

Function Usage


To use the WRLD API NFT convenience functions, you'll need:

  1. A globally accessible variable for your custom contract address. You can put this in your main plugin class.
  2. A handle on a player wallet. You'll most likely be passed this through a Spigot event handler.
// In your main class:
public static final String MY_ERC721_TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "0x8d4100897447d173289560bc85c5c432be4f44e4";

// In your event handler (or wherever you want):
Wallet myPlayerWallet = WRLDPaymentsCommands.getPayments().getNFTPlayer((Player) sender).getPrimaryWallet()


Lists all NFTs owned by the player. Returns a JSONObject that does NOT contain metadata.

JSONObject payload = myPlayerWallet.getOwnedNFTs(Network.ETHEREUM);
// manipulate like any other JSON object...
JSONArray ownedNFTs = (JSONArray) payload.get("ownedNfts");

Example response:




A "contract" is analagous with an NFT "collection"

Lists all NFTs owned by the player in a certain collection. Returns a JSONObject that contains metadata.

JSONObject payload = myPlayerWallet.getOwnedNFTsFromContract(Network.ETHEREUM, MY_ERC721_TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS);

Example response:

"name":"A Super Special Experience Pass",
"description":"Lorem ipsum.",
"trait_type":"Access Level"
"trait_type":"Lucky Number"


Checks if a player owns at least one NFT in a collection. Returns a boolean.

boolean shouldGrantClubAccess = myPlayerWallet.doesPlayerOwnNFTInCollection(