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$WRLD Commands Plugin

The WRLD Commands Plugin provides an interface for the WRLD Payments API through Minecraft commands. This is useful for a number of scenarios:

  1. It allows you to create payment requests without writing a Java plugin. This means you can integrate the WRLD Payments API with command blocks, Citizens NPCs, and more!
  2. Developing and testing custom integrations without repeatedly sending real transactions.


Manually creating a server-to-player payment request

Usage: /createrequest <amount> <reason>

Viewing pending transactions

Usage: /listrequests

For example, if your world has three pending requests with values 25, 0.25, and 2.0 WRLD the output of this command would display:

listrequests output

Manually confirming a transaction

Usage: /simulatetx <id> During the process of building a $WRLD integration, you likely want to rapidly test your transaction handlers without sending a real transaction on Polygon each time. The WRLD Commands plugin makes this easy! Run the above command and provide the short ID for the pending transaction to simulate a sucessful payment.