$WRLD Commands Plugin
The WRLD Commands Plugin provides an interface for the WRLD Payments API through Minecraft commands. This is useful for a number of scenarios:
- It allows you to create payment requests without writing a Java plugin. This means you can integrate the WRLD Payments API with command blocks, Citizens NPCs, and more!
- Developing and testing custom integrations without repeatedly sending real transactions.
Manually creating a server-to-player payment request
Usage: /createrequest <amount> <reason>
Viewing pending transactions
Usage: /listrequests
For example, if your world has three pending requests with values 25, 0.25, and 2.0 WRLD the output of this command would display:
Manually confirming a transaction
Usage: /simulatetx <id> During the process of building a $WRLD integration, you likely want to rapidly test your transaction handlers without sending a real transaction on Polygon each time. The WRLD Commands plugin makes this easy! Run the above command and provide the short ID for the pending transaction to simulate a sucessful payment.